Player jef4345 posted a message on 28/04 12:03 on the MadLotto Forum: A problem with the sponsored free games page. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  A problem with the sponsored free games page
28/04/2020 12:03:49

Hello Zoo Valley managers 🙂

when I click on the link addressed to me, in my mailbox on "Zoo Valley", leading to the page concerned, I always have the same message:

404 not found, fixed response

Could you please fix the problem?

Thank you in advance ! Have a good day.

I f.

02/05/2020 11:49:15

Thank you Barcelona 🙂

I sent my message to customer service.

Have a nice week end.

I f.

28/04/2020 20:00:08

It's not on the forum that you should write, but to customer service, good evening

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