Player webmaster posted a message on 05/04 15:32 on the MadLotto Forum: New on Mission Raptor 2!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  New on Mission Raptor 2!
05/04/2013 15:32:39

Hello 🙋 A

new feature awaits you on Mission Raptor 2: you can now earn up to 3000 Euros!

At the same time, the wheel Turn changes to 2 Coins but this does not affect the Turns played in free rounds (you can do as many Turns as before, still with 7 free rounds).

Only the Coins obtained via conversions into Points or Credits/Pass as well as the Coins offered are impacted by the change of the Turn to 2 Coins.

So you have until April 30th to Play Mission Raptor 2, always with your free rounds, Points or Credits / Pass!

So, are you ready to up for grabs ! 3000 Euros?
Good games to all!

The Web

10/04/2013 11:22:31

Hello 🙋,

When you click on'Get chips Coins your free rounds number of chips received for so many free rounds is indicated.

For example, you get 2 Coins for 7 free rounds.

Good games!

The Web'.

07/04/2013 02:15:35

I would like to know how many parties I need to exchange to play mission raptor thank

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