Player webmaster posted a message on 20/07 14:33 on the MadLotto Forum: GALACTICASH: 40,000 Euros of Prizes up for grabs !. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  1 3 23 31 38 45  : Winners : 847 

Subject :  GALACTICASH: 40,000 Euros of Prizes up for grabs !
20/07/2011 14:33:01

Hello 🙋 You

can now Have a Look !

Click on the Grid and immediately discover your Win!
Find the Galacticash Box and win a Wire for up to 500 Euros!

When you discover a Symbol, keep it to make a combination, or exchange it for a "Double or Quits": one chance in two to win a prize!

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Participation in Galacticash is offered as a bonus by purchasing Credits/Pass (from 5 Euros of purchases)!

Good games!
The Web P.S :

In addition, whatever your Credits/Pass purchase amount, you now automatically participate in the Mega Tombola Sweepstake each ticket is a winner!

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