Player webmaster posted a message on 23/11 16:45 on the MadLotto Forum: TIC TAC WINDOWS: Problem solved. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  TIC TAC WINDOWS: Problem solved
23/11/2010 16:45:33

Hello 🙋 Following

the display problem we had since this morning with the Tiac Showcases, I inform you that the problem is now solved!

Good games!
The Web

01/12/2010 08:12:44

I confirm the progress of one rank per day therefore automatic validation. One of 2 things:
- or there is really a hard bug to solve since the situation lasts, but during this time some take it easy and others will faithfully clicker daily. It's not fair !
- where the masters found the crazy idea, 😈 to their liking and we program systematic validation with a hazardous and random interruption, just to reward the faithful 🌹 and 🙁n): punish those who sleep while waiting for progress .
I'm fishing for info on the future of the Rules and Regulations of this section?

It would be nice if we were enlightened on the subject, just to know....

27/11/2010 10:56:33


Even weirder: I advance one place in the windows I validate,
I advance 2 places in the windows I do not validate (automatic validation always)...
is wanted or a bug?

24/11/2010 18:48:46

Strange... in my opinion they are always automatically validated.....

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