Player bluesky03 posted a message on 30/08 18:44 on the MadLotto Forum: payment received. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  1 3 23 31 38 45  : Winners : 847 

Subject :  payment received
30/08/2010 18:44:43

Thank you for this payment of 10€ received Today
MadWin is cool🎤

02/09/2010 23:59:10

Thank you for this payment of 10€ received Today
MadWin it is cool🎤 Good evening

🎤 To put back

into play, if the luck is with you can be taken away, a more interesting prize 🎤

31/08/2010 17:07:58

Congratulations to you. 🙂

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